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On March 11, when all 23 of us met up in the Prague airport, our last field trip seemed so far away. Looking back now it seems like it went by so dang fast. We spent our last week together as a group in Bohemia, which is still in the Czech Republic just a different region. I had thought this would be a more low key trip because we would be staying in the Czech but our rambunctious group made it so fun and I would classify this trip as the BEST FIELD TRIP of my study abroad experience!

We started off our trip by seeing a church and a castle…who could’ve guessed!! We have seen so many throughout this trip so we joke about it a lot but in all honesty each one is cool and unique in its own way so we love going to see them all! One of the church’s that we went to was called the “Bone Church”. It is made up of bones from those who were killed in the Black Plague… it is pretty morbid to think about however the church itself was so cool and very very different from anything we had ever seen before! After our afternoon of churches and castles we were free to walk around the town. We explored and came across this beautiful park that is below the castle and a group of us sat there for an hour listening to music and reminiscing about past memories on the trip :) It made me realize just how much I am going to miss traveling with all these amazing people, they have made this trip so dang fun and I am so lucky to have met all of them!

The next day we went and explored St. George’s salt mine! This was quite the adventure! There were places throughout the mine that were so low I had to almost crawl, and other places were so tight I had to turn sideways! It was a tad unsettling to be so far underground in such a small place but I really enjoyed the tour & we got to dress up in white coats and hard hats so that was pretty fun :) Next on our list of tours was the Budweiser brewery….if you know me, you know that I HATE beer!! It was very interesting to see how it was made and get to tour the factory of one of the most well-known beers all throughout the world but oh my goodness the smells were HORRIBLE!! At each different step in the beer making process there is a different smell and when they make thousands of gallons of it at once…the smell is so so strong! Many people on the tour were in heaven and loving the free beer but Cara, Kelsey, and I were struggling to make it through!

Our last day together as a group was our WATER RAFTING DAY!!! I have been looking forward to this day for so long! We got all geared up to go then 6 of us got into a raft and made our way down the river. It was pretty tough at first to get everyone on the same page but we managed to figure it out! It was so fun just floating down the river listening to music and laughing at ourselves every time we got stuck on a rock…which was about every 5 minutes! Annie’s 21st birthday was the same day as our rafting trip and she most definitely made the most of both events! J haha. After 5 hours on the water, we were all ready to go get showered and get some food however we had a few incidents throughout our time on the water. One group didn’t know where the end point was so they ended up floating too far down the river and we had no idea where they were, another girl fell on the rocks and hurt her knees so badly she couldn’t walk at all, and then there was Annie who we were chasing around trying to get her to stop jumping in piles of mud hahaha. It was quite the experience but it was a hell of a time and I had so much fun!!!

Bohemia was the perfect ending to the perfect trip with the world’s greatest travel buddies! Once we got back to Olomouc most of us had to say our goodbyes which was heartbreaking. We will all be here for another week or so but most of us are venturing off to go meet our family or friends in Europe so this goodbye was tough. We have been through so much together the past three months and we have seen each other literally every single day. I can’t imagine going back to America and not waking up and going to class with my study abroad friends, and going on crazy adventures on the weekends L I was very sad to say goodbye to everyone but I know that this is not goodbye forever, just a see you later J

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